RULE 40. Preparation of the Preliminary Record by Village Accountant. —

(1) The Village Accountant shall prepare a preliminary record in Form 16 for each village in his charge basing the same on his own knowledge and on such information as may be available from village accounts as well as upon information furnished by persons in possession of land or holders of rights over land as to the nature and extent of the interest which they have in such land.

(2) The Village Accountant shall maintain the preliminary Record of Rights 1[until receipt of the Record of Rights registers referred to in Rule 61] and he shall be personally responsible for its custody and production whenever called upon the Officers of the Revenue and Survey, Settlement and Land Records Departments.

(3) After completion of the preparation of the Preliminary Records, the Village Accountant shall forward a report of the fact of completion of such record to the Revenue Inspector or other Officer appointed for the purpose; such Revenue Inspector or other Officer shall intimate to the Village Accountant the date of his visit to such village more than a fortnight in advance of the day so fixed. The Village Accountant shall thereupon publish in the chavadi, the preliminary record, and a notice indicating the date on which the Revenue Inspector or other Officer would be visiting the village and inviting the landholders and others concerned to inspect the entries in the preliminary record and to attend the enquiry to be conducted at the village on the dates specified in the notice.

RULE 42. Disputed Cases.—Cases of disputed entries coming to the notice at any stage shall be entered in the Register of Disputed Cases maintained in Form 7 and the fact of having done so noted in the preliminary record (Form 16) against the entry concerned.

RULE 46. Mutations subsequent to the preparations of the Preliminary Record.

1. Any acquisition of rights in lands that occur between the period when the preliminary record is completed and the final Record of Rights is prepared and notified under sub-section (3) of Section 127, shall be entered in the Mutation Register (Form 11).

2. In respect of acquisition of rights in lands after the commencement of the hissa survey, corrections shall be recorded in the Mutation Register in Form 12 and shall be entered in the Final Record of Rights in due course.

The procedure laid down in Rules 54 to 70 shall mutatis mutandis be followed with regard to recording of entries relating to acquisition of rights referred to in sub-rules (1) and (2).

RULE 58. Preparation of Final Record of Rights.—After the measurement and mapping of hissas and apportionment of assessment are completed, the Final Record of Rights in Form 16 (Record of Rights) shall be prepared in duplicate under the immediate supervision of the Officer-in-charge of the survey party, incorporating all the mutations recorded up to a date specified by the Superintendent of Land Records of the Division.

RULE 62. Maintenance of Record of Rights.—(1) The Government may by notification specify from time to time the software necessary for maintenance and updation of Record of Rights in Form 16. The Record of Rights stored on the storage devices shall be deemed to be the original copy of Record of Rights.

(2) On completion of the initial storage of all Record of Rights in Form 16 of a taluk on storage device it shall be checked with manually maintained Record of Rights. The Deputy Commissioners shall issue notifications in Form 17-A directing use of only computerised Record of Rights for the year mentioned in notification, and from then onwards all Record of Rights shall be generated in the storage device.

(3) The Tahsildar or any other officer authorised by the Government by notification, shall on receipt of information regarding acquisition of rights in land cause to generate, using the software specified in sub-rule (1).—

(a) Form 19-A in case of succession, survivorship or inheritance; and

(b) Form 20-A in other cases.

The Tahsildar or the authorised officer shall also cause to write such details in Form 18 for all cases of succession, survivorship and inheritance.

(4) On receipt of report under sub-rule (3), the Tahsildar or the authorised officer shall take the signature of the person reporting the acquisition in the form and shall deliver the counterfoil thereof to the said person.

RULE 64. Generation of notices and publication of entries in mutation register.—(1) On receipt of intimation slip in Form 10 or information in Form 19-A or Form 20-A, the Tahsildar shall cause the mutation entry in Form 12 and a notice in Form 21 to be generated in required number using the software specified in sub- rule (1) of Rule 62 and shall send them to the Village Accountants along with the information in Form 10 or Form 19-A or Form 20-A as may be appropriate.

(2) Immediately after receipt of mutation entry in Form 12 from taluk office, the Village Accountant shall enter the details in the above form in mutation register to be maintained in Form 12 for each village.

(3) The Form 12 received from the taluk office shall be exhibited by the Village Accountant in the chavadi for a period of thirty days.

RULE 70. Transfer of entries from Mutation Register to Record of Rights.—-(1) Entries in the Record of Rights in Form 16 maintained in original in taluk offices shall be updated in accordance with the order passed in the mutation register using the software provided under sub-rule (1) of Rule 62. The copy of the updated Record of Rights shall bo sent to the concerned Village Accountant within 7 days for his reference.

(2) (a) In cases involving measurement, if any difference or discrepancy regarding the relevant entries in the mutation register and in the Record of Rights Register is noticed during the measurement the same may be treated as a fresh mutation and disposed off as provided in these rules.

(b) Every updation in, or addition to, the Record of Rights, shall be made after such updation or additions are made in the Register of Mutations.


RULE 82: Survey of building sites within the limits of village, Town or city_

1) The land included in the limits of any village , Town or city and the boundary of which has been determined by the deputy commissioner or by the survey officer under section 148 shall be surveyed by Theodolite by traverse system for the preparation of a frame work for the detailed survey work of the building sites and the following records shall be prepared, namely.—

(a) Traverse Index Map,

(b) Traverse Book including the lines.

(2) After the preparation of the records referred to in sub-rule (1), building sites shall be surveyed and mapped by Plane Table and the following records shall be prepared, namely.—

(a) The Original Detailed Map.

(b) Area Book indicating therein.—

(i) current number on the map;

(ii) description of the land or building sites as specified in the records of the municipality or the Trust Board or the Panchayat or of the Revenue Department and the said name of the holder as found in the records as ascertained oth­erwise.

(3) The records, registers and maps prepared under this rule shall be handed over to the Deputy Commissioner or to the Survey Officer.

RULE 83. Enquiry into Titles, Rights etc., of Building Sites.

(1) Titles, rights, easements and any other rights in respect of all building sites and the lands, the area of which is determined under Section 152 which have been surveyed under [Rule 82], shall be enquired into by the Survey Officer or by any other Officer appointed by the State Government.

(2) The following records shall be prepared after such enquiry, namely.—

(a) enquiry registers showing the details, such as, the name of the holder area, of the building site, assessment, etc.;

(b) register of encroachment cases;

(c) register of unauthorised conversion cases;

(d) register of building sites (i.e., property cards or registers in Form 13);

(e) certificate of building sites;

(f) register of certificate fees.

(3) The records and registers prepared under [sub-rule (2) of this rule], shall be handed over to the Deputy Commissioner or to the Survey Officer after the completion of the enquiry.

SECTION 154 OF Karnataka Land Revenue Act. Certificate to be granted without extra charge. — (1) Every holder of a building site within the area of any town or city 'to which a survey is ordered under Section 152, shall be entitled, after payment of the survey fee in accordance with sub-section (2) of Section 153 to receive from the Deputy Commissioner without extra charge a certificate, in the form prescribed or to the like effect, specifying the plan and description, the extent and conditions of his holding:

Provided that if such holder does not apply for the certificate at the time of payment of the survey fee or thereafter within three months from the date of the notice by the Deputy Commissioner under Section 153, the Deputy Commissioner may require him to pay an additional fee not exceeding one rupee for each certificate.

(2) Every such certificate shall be executed on behalf of the State Government by such Officer as may from time to time be empowered to execute the same.

RULE 86 : The certificate to be granted under section 154 shall be in form 9.


RULE 145. Maintenance of Khata and Khirdi by the Village Accountants.—(1)

The Village Accountant shall maintain a separate Khata and Khirdi in Form 24 and Form 25 respectively for the Accounting of money due and collected in respect of each village.

(2) The Khata shall be maintained in the same manner as in the case of land revenue collection, indicating the following particulars, namely.—

The opening balance, the total demand under this head, the total collections every month and the balance.

(3) The Khirdi will begin with the "HALE BAKI" or Old Balance (Khulavar), if any, and as the individual items are collected, they should be rounded off in the "HALE BAKI". In the last page of the Khirdi, the demand, collection and balance for the year should be shown.


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