How will the property of a Christian person be distributed after his/her death in case the person has not left a will?

In case a Christian dies without leaving a will, then the property would devolve according to the following rules (as contained in the Indian Succession Act): In case the deceased has left a widow or widower and lineal descendants (children, grandchildren of predeceased children and so on), then the widow or widower as the case maybe would take one third share and the other two thirds of the property would be divided amongst the lineal descendants. In case the person has left a widow or widower and kindred (i.e. mother, father, brothers, sisters or children of predeceases brothers and sisters), the widow or widower as the case maybe would take half the share and the other half would be divided amongst the kindred. If the person has left only a widow, then it will go to the widow and in the absence of any heirs, it will go to the Government.

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