Lands belonging to the Muzrai Institutions and lying under the Irwin Canal in the Taluks of Mandya, Malvalli, Maddur, French Rocks and Serin-gapatam, have considerably increased in value. Several such lands are in the possession of the archaks, who render the services and only pay a nominal reserve fund. Some of these archaks may, instead of paying acre¬age contribution, surrender lands equivalent to the said sum. As such a procedure is highly disadvantageous to the institutions concerned, the acre-age contribution may be paid from the funds of the institutions concerned wherever funds are available and in other cases, the amounts may be paid, in the first instance, from the General Muzrai Funds, subject to their recoup-ment later on. It is also highly advantageous to lease out all such lands. When the question of the lease is taken up, it is likely that the archaks may set up a plea that they have spent large sums over the lands and that, therefore, they should not be dispossessed of the lands. To avoid all such contentions, the Amildars concerned will see that immediate instructions are issued to the archaks concerned, not to invest heavy sums over such lands, and that if any should do so, it would be at his own risk. (Muzrai Commissioner's Circular No. 1-37-38, dated 2nd September, 1937)
Early action on the lines noted above should be taken.
In continuation of this office Circular No. 1-37-38, dated 3rd September, 1937, regarding the Devadaya and Dharmadaya lands belonging to the sev-eral Muzrai Institutions which have become irrigable by the Irwin Canal, in the Taluks of Mandya, Malavalli, Maddur, French Rocks and Seringapatam, the following further instructions are issued for the guidance of Muzrai Officers, with regard to the payment of contribution and water rates.
It has come to notice that the contribution and water rate amounts due on those lands are demanded and taken from lessees and that the amounts so collected are credited to their khates. The liability for these items rests on the owners of the lands who are the temples or other institutions to which the lands are endowed. The contribution and water rate due on these inam lands is primarily a liability on these institutions and not on the person in whose possession the lands are. If these items are demanded of the lessees, they are likely to set up claims to the lands, on the termination of the lease. These demands should be looked into the khate of the institutions, like jodi and cesses due on the inam lands and the amounts recovered from lessees credited to the funds of the institution. The entries made in Records of Rights Register, in respect of such lands, should also be verified, if the entries have been correctly made, so as to show clearly, the rights of the institution.
The wetlands have now become valuable and more productive. Early action is required to lease out these lands. Care should be taken to secure proper bids, so as to cover the payment of contribution and water rate, which the institution has to bear. In the case of institutions where the ar¬chaks are in possession of the inam lands, the archaks may be left in posses¬sion of the lands as tenants-at-will, if they agree to pay a reasonable reserve amount to cover the contribution and water rate payable by these institu¬tions; failing which, the lands should be leased out as stated above, provid¬ing cash grants to the archaks.
As regards inams granted to the institutions for performing a definite service, viz., Bhajantri, etc., if the person, in whose possession the land is, agrees to pay a reserve amount, which would cover the payment of contri-bution and water rate from the fund of the institution, he may be permitted to be in possession of the land as a tenant-at-will; otherwise, the land should be leased out providing cash payment to the person performing the service. The scales of the institutions will also have to be revised after action is taken as indicated above. A statement in the form annexed, should be submitted to the Muzrai Commissioner's Office by the end of March 1938, showing how far the instructions contained in this memo, are carried out. (Memo NO. c. 388-37-38, dated 23rd February, 1938)
Excess in temple inams not to be charged. The inam lands are in¬tended solely for the benefit of the temples concerned and their continuance as inam is absolutely necessary to ensure service being performed in a proper manner for the prosperity of his Highness the Maharaja and the State of Mysore, according to the original intention of the several grants. In consideration of the above-mentioned circumstances and to free these insti-tutions from petty annoyances, the Government have after careful consid-eration come to the conclusion that this increased assessment in the shape of Khalsat should be remitted, and they are accordingly pleased to admit that the amount of Khalsat assessment due on such of the inam lands as are actually in the enjoyment of temples be written off the accounts, and its levy foregone in future, the excess lands being treated as forming part and parcel of the original grant.
The Deputy Commissioners of Districts are requested to submit for re¬cord in the Government office accurate statements showing clearly the area and assessment of the entire inams, the jodi payable to Government and the area and assessment of the portion treated as Khalsat but now confirmed as inam. (G.O. No. R. 2973-83, dated 9th January, 1902)
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