An Agrahar is ordinarily a grant of houses for the residence of Brahmins, with an endowment of lands or other income for their maintenance. The grant is for the benefit of the grantee, though in return, they are expected to pray for prosperity of the grantor and his family. This duty, by implication, entails certain conditions. The grantees should keep up the Agrahar and arrange for the houses being tenanted by themselves or other Brahamans, and though they are allowed to alienate the endowments, i.e., the houses as well as the lands, they can so alienate them only to Brahmans, who alone are supposed to be competent to offer such prayers. In British Territories, where the dynasties of the grantors have become extinct, the necessity of maintaining such conditions ceases to exist, and the inams are often treated as entirely personal grants. In this State, however, and especially in the case of the Agrahar grants made by Maharaja Krishnaraja Wo-dayar III, it is desirable that the tenure of service, though merely nominal, should not be relaxed, and the Agrahars, i.e., the Brahman residences with the endowments attached, should be maintained in efficiency in commemoration of the grantor. (Notification No. 4857- 66—Cir. 125, dated 13th September,
The several Agrahar grants made by Maharaja Krishnaraja Wodayar III, should be settled on the principles above laid down. These grants would be more properly constructed with reference to their general character, than with reference to the wording of the sannads in each case, which, from accidents or carelessness of the writers, may vary. Powers of alienation within the limits above laid down are inherent in these grants and may be recognized in regard to all of them irrespective of the fact of their being expressly provided for or not in the sannads.
It is not meant that houses are essential to these Agraharam grants. Grants of houses may sometimes be made under the name of Agraharams without lands attached to them, or lands may be given without house being built. What is above laid down is the ordinary nature of these grants and the wording of the sannads in Agraharam grants made by Maharaja Krish¬naraja Wodayar III support the above view. (Notification NO. si89-9o—Rev. sus, dated 7th January, 1880)
The terms of the grant regarding residence in Agrahar to be en¬forced. — The terms of the grant should be strictly enforced and the Vrittidars should be compelled to reside within the limits of Karadagur Village. If representatives of more than half a Vritti live in the village, the others of the same Vritti may perhaps be given freedom to remain elsewhere, if such concession is not inconsistent with the original grant. Those who are not residing in the village must be warned to do so. Temporary absence else-where may be excused if they keep a house in Karadagur. Those defaulting and persisting in such default will render their vrittis liable to be resumed, and the Deputy Commissioner may hold such vrittis under attachment till such defaulters provide themselves with houses in Karadagur and reside in them. (Notification No. 3970-14— P.F. 15-1900, dated 13th November, 1900)
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