(1) With a view to increase the production of Food and Fodder crops in the State to meet the acute situation caused by war and other natural causes, Govern¬ment launched a scheme under which the Deputy Com¬missioners were empowered to lease out unoccupied irrigable lands under channels and tanks for temporary paddy cultivation for a period not exceeding five years with concessions as to payment of assessment as noted below. The persons who brought the lands under cultiva¬tion would have the option of purchasing the lands for a
First year .. Free assessment.
Second year .. Do
Third year .. Half assessment.
Fourth year .. Do
Fifth year .. Full assessment.

reasonable upset price to be fixed at the time when permis¬sion was given to cultivate the lands and intimated to the parties in advance. Paddy cultivation on marshy lands were also encouraged by waiving the assessment, provided the lands did not use the channel water directly. (G.O. No. R. 6580-93—R.M. 65-41-1, dated llth April 1942) . (G.O. No. R. 7955-70—R.M. 65-41-10, dated 13th June 1942) .

(2) Under the Visvesvaraya Canal area, the order extending the village reserve for purposes of prohibition of wet cultivation to two furlong zone of the village was kept in abeyance. Large extents of assessed waste, surrendered Amrut Mahal Kaval and date reserves and disafforested areas and other cultivable lands which were lying unoccupied were authorised to be granted for temo-rary cultivation for growing food crops on a three years basis, option being given to such grantees to purchase such lands at the end of the lease period. Portions of beds of all tanks which were beyond the water margin, including the water spread of K. R. Sagara ; were granted for eksal cultivation for growing vegetables, Bengal gram, Jola, in the dry season. In the case of unreserved lands, Amildars were empowered to put darkhastdars in pos¬session of the lands pending the formalities and the issue of final orders in the darkhast. It was also directed that in places where there was keen demand for lands for cultivation, the lands under the control of the Excise, Amrit Mahal and Forest Departments be surrendered freely for growing food crops.

(3) This scheme as laid down in Government Order No. R. 6518-93—R.M. 65-41-1, dated llth April 1942 was revoked by Government. Regarding the lands already granted under this scheme but not yet confirmed to the grantees, it was ordered that the lands might be confirmed to the grantees provided they are landless and cultivated the land continuously for three years out of five years. This concession would also apply to those who own less than 5 acres of dry land or two acres of wet land. Where a grantee is cultivating both dry and wet lands, for purposes of calculation whether he is eligible for the confirmation of the grant or not two acres of wet land will be considered to be equivalent to five acres of dry land. In other cases, grant of land can be confirmed only if the grantee has cultivated the entire extent con¬tinuously for five years. (G.O. No. R. 7892-901—L.R. 266-53-2, dated 10th August 1953).

(4) Even in the case of sufficient holders, where the conditions of the original lease grant have been ful¬filled, the lease grants have to be confirmed to them.
(Circular No. R6-53S2-92—L.R. 41-55-29, dated 7th July 1955). In deserving cases, where the leases have bees, can¬celled due to non-fulfilment of the terms of the giaut, the same lands could be regranted to the same lessees at a penal upset price. This direction would apply also to lessees, who are sufficient holders, subject to the con¬dition that, when such regrant is in excess of the powers of the officer cancelling the lease, a recommendation for such regrant may be made.

(5) The Revenue Commissioner is also empowered to confirm all grants of irrigable dry land under Visvesva-raya Canal area granted under Grow More Food Scheme up to five acres and having regard to the minimum upset price of Rs. 200 per acre fixed in Government Order dated 27th June 1935 submit the remaining oases in which the extent exceeds five acres for orders of Government. (G.O. No. 4806-17—R.M. 45-47-2, dated Srd December 1948)

(6) If a person belonging to depressed class who has been granted lands under the Grow More Food Scheme, applies for the conversion of such grant into a grant under the depressed class concession Rules, his request may be granted subject to the conditions laid down in Rule 43(5) and (7) of the rules under the Land Revenue Code. (Letter No. R5-13429—L.R. 133-54-10, dated 10th December 1954 from the Revenue Secretary).

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